The King's Men
Lakewood Cluster Men's Ministry
​Tuesdays| 7p| FREE
St. Luke's Catholic Church | School Building - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Room
1212 Bunts Ave., Lakewood
The men's ministry of the Lakewood Parish Cluster is continuing with a new program, The King's Men (TKM). The purpose of this program is to help men grow in holiness and virtue, to sharpen one another as iron sharpens iron, and to build up the whole man for the greater Glory of God. This purpose is fulfilled primarily through prayer, readings, and videos along with discussion. The Brotherhood is about fraternity, solidarity, support, and strength.
This program is designed to help men function in today's challenging environment as we learn about our faith. Adult men, young or old, single or married, will benefit from The King's Men. The planning team invite you to join this exciting new weekly program.
Contact: David "Tuck" Tucker | tuck711@sbcglobal.net