St. James is far more than just a beautiful place to worship. St. James is a family, filled with caring individuals who devote themselves tirelessly to building up our church and our greater Lakewood community. We need your unique God-given gifts and talents to join us!
Find a way to get plugged in while spreading Jesus' love and mission.
Welcome Wagon
Welcome new parishioners to St. James and help them get quickly integrated into parish life.

Mary Westmeyer
Coffee & Donuts Fellowship
Help create a lively, fun, and welcoming atmosphere for fellowship following the Sunday 10:30am Mass in Andrews Hall. Set-up, clean-up, and money counting.

John Sabo
Greeters & Ushers
Create a great first impression of St. James by warmly smiling and greeting parishioners and visitors. Volunteers needed to create a friendly atmosphere!

Mary Simon
Communion to Homebound
Bring Jesus' love to those in our parish unable to attend Mass by bringing Communion to the homebound.

Toni Sabo
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Help the children understand the Mass at their level. Sundays during the 10:30am Mass, from September to May.

Toni Sabo
Eucharistic Ministers
Assists the priest in administering the sacraments of Holy Communion, the consecrated bread and wine, to the people.

Eileen Revolinsky
Altar Servers
Assiststs the clergy during Mass, by helping with tasks at the altar such as fetching and carrying, ringing the altar bell, among other things.

Alec Pacella
Respect Life
Promotes the dignity of all human life, from conception to natural death; aids pregnancy centers; empowers the parish to act on legislative life issues.

Toni Sabo
Develop beautiful and engaging ways to communicate what's happening at St. James. New ideas & volunteers welcome!

Mary Westmeyer
Parish Life
Seeks to create a dynamic parish experience through evangelization, education, and social activities.

Darlene Hood
Property Development
Focuses on the short-term and long-term development and usages of each physical building.

Dave Abramczyk
Community Meal
Provide a free hot meal to guests Held on the second Wednesday of each month at 6p (set-up starts at 3p). Come for as little or as long as you can.

Corky Sullivan
Prayer Blankets
Craft warm blankets to "cover" the recipients with love and prayers during a time of illness or grief. No previous experience needed.

Colleen Houk
James Gang
Work together to keep our Church, Hall, and Parish Center looking their best. Participation is flexible per your availibility.

Laureen Nowakowski
Giving Tree
Coordinates Advent/Summer donations of gifts for needy refugee families through Catholic Charities Migration & Refugee Services.

Melissa Meany
Skilled Services
Team of parishioners with specialized knowledge and/or licensing in plumbing, electrical, OSHA, construction, plastering, etc.

Ed Westmeyer
Sacred Heart | Bereavement
Provides a luncheon and compassionate, friendly support to grieving families after a loved one's funeral. Prepare a dish; serve, and/or clean-up per availability.

St. James Parish Office