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Mass Time Changes


Greetings! My name is Fr. John Chlebo. I currently serve as the Pastor at St. Christopher Parish in Rocky River. I also have a part-time assignment as Delegate for Senior Clergy in the Diocese of Cleveland that I have been fulfilling for the past two years.

As you may be aware, Fr. Joe Workman, Pastor at St. Clement and St. James in Lakewood, has been given a Leave of Absence for Sick Leave effective May 22, 2023. There is no timetable for how long he will be away. As a result, Bishop Malesic has assigned me as Administrator of St. Clement and St. James while Fr. Workman is away.

I believe that you are also aware that Fr. Deogratias Ruwaainenyi, hospital chaplain at Fairview Hospital and in residence at St. Clement for the past eight years, has been reassigned as a Parochial Vicar at St. Mary Parish in Avon effective July 1, 2023. As a result, he will no longer be able to help at St. Clement and St. James once he begins his new assignment in July.

This leads to the necessity of making a change in the Mass schedules at both parishes so that ultimately one priest can celebrate all the Masses when necessary. This is a recognition of the declining number of available priests in our diocese and throughout the Church. I met with the parish staffs from both parishes and with many of the members from the finance council and pastoral council from both parishes. I am grateful for their input in helping determine a Mass schedule that can serve the needs of the people of St. Clement and St. James while, at the same time, facing the realities of the declining number of priests available to fulfill these liturgical ministries.

Below is the new Mass schedule that has been determined.

The Mass schedule will change beginning June 10-11as follows:

Saturday, Vigil Mass at St. Clement at 4:00 P.M.

Sunday, Morning Mass at St. Clement at 8:30 A.M.

Sunday, Morning Mass at St. James at 10:30 A.M.

Weekday Masses on Monday, Wednesday, Friday at St. James at 8:15 A.M.

Weekday Masses on Tuesday, Thursday at St. Clement at 5:15 P.M.

Change can certainly be challenging, but we all face it throughout our lives. I invite you to see this change in the Mass schedule as an opportunity to grow together and worship together, and as a way of helping each other carry our burdens. Please pray for Fr. Workman as he focuses on his health and pray for one another that the Holy Spirit will be our guide on our journey of faith!



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