Join us on July 21 to celebrate the Feast Day of our patron saint, St. James the Greater! The celebration begins with Mass at 10:30am, followed by a picnic in the courtyard (if rain, in the Hall). There will be corn hole, a limbo contest, and other fun activities for all ages. Hot Dogs and chips will be provided, courtesy of the Knights of Columbus, along with beverages, watermelon and desserts. New parishioners and visitors, bring a friend—everyone is welcome! Free.
Can you help? Volunteers are needed for setup (9:30am), serving (11:30am) supervising games, and especially cleanup.
Questions, or to volunteer: Contact Mary Simon at bnangel2322@icloud.com or Mary Westmeyer at marywestmeyer@roadrunner.com.

What time is mass today 21st July at St James Spanish place Marylebone village thanx 07880 733008 David