“Holiness is not the luxury of a few people, but a simple duty for you and me.”
-- St. Teresa of Calcutta
We celebrate the Feast of All Saints on Wednesday, Nov. 1.
Ever wonder why it is a Holy Day of Obligation? Learn more about the importance of this solemnity!
Masses will be celebrated:
Vigil Mass: Oct. 31 | 5:15 pm | St. Clement Church
Feast Day Mass: Nov. 1 | 8:15 am | St. James Church
In addition to celebrating Mass, here are a few other ways to observe this great feast:
- Read and learn about the saints -- if you don't yet own a book of saints, this is a good one. There are also many free biographies available online -- maybe start with the saint you were named for or your Confirmation Saint.
- Pray to the saints – especially one’s Confirmation Saint – and asking for their intercession so that we, too might become saints.
- If you have little children, encourage them to dress as their favorite Saint that day and ask for their special help.
- Enroll in a free course online about the saints -- pick your favorite or one whose biography might be similar to yours -- and learn more in depth about him or her!
- Commit to praying a 9 day Novena for a particular Saint's intercession through PrayMoreNovenas.com.
- Watch a movie about a saint like A Man for All Seasons, Becket, and The Song of Bernadette.