Join Bishop Robert Barron and hundreds of thousands of other faithful as we journey through Advent to our Lord's Nativity.
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(Text below taken from AdventReflections.com)
Welcome, as we begin our Advent journey toward Christmas!
Advent is the liturgical season of vigilance or, to put it more mundanely, of waiting. During the four weeks prior to Christmas, we light the candles of our Advent wreaths and put ourselves in the spiritual space of the Israelite people who, through many long centuries, waited for the coming of the Messiah (“How long, O Lord?”).
Following them, disciples of the risen Jesus have been waiting in their own times. Paul, Augustine, Chrysostom, Agnes, Thomas Aquinas, Clare, Francis, and John Henry Newman have hence all been Advent people. In fact, the entire Bible ends on a note not so much of triumph and completion as longing and expectation: “Come, Lord Jesus.”
During this season, let us join the great men and women of our Tradition, turning our eyes and hearts upward and praying, “I am waiting, I am waiting. Come, Lord Jesus.”
I look forward to joining you on this journey!
Peace, Bishop Robert Barron