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"The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest." Luke 10:20
MASS TIMES | Friday: 8:15a | Sunday: 10:30a

Explore A Vocation to the Priesthood or Religious Life
Any man who feels that the Lord might be inviting him to consider a vocation to either the priesthood or the permanent diaconate is encouraged to contact one of our priests or deacons.
Any woman who feels that the Lord might be inviting her to consider a vocation to the religious life is welcome to contact one of our priests.
Contact: Parish Office | 216-712-6755

"I address this plea in a special way to those of you whom the Lord is calling to the priesthood and the consecrated life. Do not be afraid to say ‘yes’ to Jesus, to find your joy in doing his will, giving yourself completely to the pursuit of holiness, and using all your talents in the service of others!"
-- Benedict XVI, Pope Emeritus
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