“In the sacred Host, He is present, the true treasure, always waiting for us.
Only by adoring this Presence do we learn how to receive Him properly.”

Eucharistic Adoration (St. James / St. Clement)
"Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament flows from the sacrifice of the Mass and serves to deepen our hunger for Communion with Christ and the rest of the Church. " -- USCCB
If you've never practiced or participated in Eucharistic Adoration, there is no time like now to start!
Need a refresher on how to pray a Holy Hour or perhaps never learned? The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops provides a list of Holy Hours to make and further information about this ancient practice.
Adoration takes place in the Adoration Chapel attached to the Rectory at St. Clement's | 2022 Lincoln Ave. | Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5a to 11p
Directions to the Adoration Chapel: The Chapel is located behind St. Clement Church, tucked between the Rectory/Parish Office and the garages. It has a flight of stairs leading up to a curved stained glass door.
Weekly Adorers needed! You can sign-up to make a weekly holy hour or even half hour, though a weekly commitment is not needed to adore. Just come any time during the Adoration hours to spend time with the "lover of your soul."
Contact: Jessica Davidson | 216-347-1041 | davidsonnfp@gmail.com​