While he was still at a distance, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. Luke 15:20
MASS TIMES | Friday: 8:15a | Sunday: 10:30a

Whether you go to confession on a regular basis or haven't been in years, our Father in Heaven is waiting to welcome you back. Please contact the Parish office to schedule a confession: 216-712-6755.
Confessions are held face to face or behind a screen by appointment at St. James though are available each Saturday at St. Clement's (2022 Lincoln Ave., Lakewood) from 3-3:30p. During certain liturgical seasons, additional opportunities are made available. Confessions at St. James occur in the Chapel of the Parish Center: 17400 Northwood Ave. (directly behind St. James) unless otherwise indicated.
We are pleased to offer a preparation program that involves families as they prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation with their child. Families who are parishioners of Saint James Parish and Saint Clement Parish gather for parent meetings and intergenerational activities for the family to grow in their faith.
Contact: Colleen Houk | Parish Catechetical Leader | 216-226-5116 | pcl.stjameslakewood@gmail.com