Catholic Moms Group​
There for you, in the trenches of
Catholic motherhood.
Every Wednesday from 9:30a-11:30a | FREE Membership
Every mom needs her tribe. Join a fun and friendly group of Catholic women, supporting each other in the day-to-day trenches of Catholic motherhood. There is a meetup every Wednesday from 9:30-11:30a at rotating homes and playgrounds, occasionally at the parish, and at other places around town for social or service-oriented get togethers.
Our vision is to cultivate growth
and community for Catholic moms.
Because we know that it's hard to pay attention and fully engage at Mass when someone is tugging on your sleeve, we pray each week for about half an hour with the upcoming Sunday's readings (so we can try to hear them at least once!). For the rest of the time, we attempt [somewhat] uninterrupted adult conversations while the kids play. Moms are welcome with or without their kids -- as this is first a place for moms to grow together!
We use a members-only spreadsheet (to protect privacy) and email listserve to communicate, making it easy to come to as many or as few meetups as you'd like -- totally up to you! You also can stay for the whole time or just drop in, as it suits you.
Open to any and all Catholic moms -- not just St. James parishioners -- wherever you are in your Catholic faith!
Intrigued? Email/text Lina Simms to get the next location -- you've got nothing to lose and many friends to gain!
Free to join!
Contact: Samantha Weisman| samgweisman@gmail.com | 857-202-0490